In the interest of the magazine and all parties involved she will resign immediately, according to Yves Gijrath, the director of GMG.
Hoeke concludes: "I should have counted to ten before making oversimplified statements via social media channels."
Today Rihanna lashed out to magazine Jackie who described her as a n*gg*b*tch.
To Editor in Chief Eva Hoeke she tweeted "@evajackie I hope u can read english, because your magazine is a poor representation of the evolution of human rights! I find you disrespectful, and rather desperate!! You ran out of legit, civilized information to print! There are 1000's of Dutch girls who would love to be recognized for their contributions to your country, you could have given them an article. Instead, u paid to print one degrading an entire race! That's your contribution to this world! To encourage segregation, to mislead the future leaders to act in the past! You put two words together,
@evajackie with the intent of abasement, that made no sense..."NIGGA BITCH"?!....Well with all respect, on behalf of my race, here are my two words for you...FUCK YOU!!!
Apparently magazine Jacky realised they had gone one step to far. Today Eva Hoeke wrote on twitter they would rectify the story in the next edition.
The first to respond to the story was Dutch black Televion host Zarayda Groenhart. According to the newspaper she was furious.

On the picture the staff of Jackie, Chief editor Eva Hoeke is the blond third one from the right. Just to give you an impression of where this story came from.
Eva is the blond with the black dress and lace sleeves. Third one from right.
ReplyDeleteWhat's really shocking about this story are the reactions of the Dutch commenters of the Elsevier article. A lot or even the majority of them don't get what all the fuss is about, think that Rihanna overreacts and even make more derogatory remarks about the singer.
ReplyDeleteWhat nonsense trust a white person to negate the feelings of those being offended by saying they are being over-sensitive, if similar bullshit had been said about Jews and the holocaust 'over sensitive' wouldn't even be whispered or used as w half assed way of apologising
ReplyDeleteRhianna, along with a lot if her followers needed this wake up call. At the end of the day, you are a black "nigga" rather you're from the US or the islands. This will blow over by Friday... The editor will start her new Magazine in January.. And for now she will continue to write under bogus name.
ReplyDeletestart her new magazine? yeah right!
ReplyDeleteWow Dutch people are ignorant.
ReplyDeletewhat a sick and twisted Devil she is.
ReplyDeleteYamile Yemoonyah, I used to have subscription on Elsevier (long ago), it was like the Dutch version of Time magazine. But nowadays the forum is invested with extreme right characters of the Dutch anti-Muslim party PVV. These people turn every story into an anti-foreigner story. I am sure they will eventually link Rihanna to the jihad.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, thanks for the comment about the photo.
ReplyDeleteAnd other Anonymous with "nigga" comment. This is not Elsevier, so mind your language.
ReplyDeleteThat's too bad that the Dutch say/think such poor things. Guess that's why no one cares about them. Elsevier? Jacky Magazine? Eva Hoeke? Never heard of them, because their lives mean nothing. Its such a shame when women lash out over jealousy. Yes, she's jealous that her husband/bf probably jacks off to Rihanna videos and NOT to the image of [her] LMAOOOOO!
ReplyDelete@alex L...lol I,m with u son...!
ReplyDeleteWhy do the dutch think this term is a "Joke"? That is what I think is the bigger question. A lot of their perceptions are shaped by how Blacks are representing themselves in the media. I am not in any way whatsoever saying that the usage of the term "Nigga Bitch" is acceptable but I am saying that Black people need to be more mindful of how they represent THEMSELVES and they need to start holding the entities that do these sort of things accountable.
ReplyDeleteWhile no entire race can be judged on the actions of one person, I think we should all admit that the images of Black people that are being perpetuated to people around the world are not balanced by any means..
Let her keep her job. Being racist is not a crime; if you think it should be, then you need to take a long, hard look at yourself.
ReplyDeleteWake up call, is the fact that she really didn't think this was an offensive description of a person period. The light is that it was a well known entertainer, that brought her views to light.
ReplyDeleteI actually would like to hear her thoughts on why she felt this was something worth saying. The first response is most often stated, " it was only a joke". For her to be in journalism (media) her thoughts in my opinion was trying to be impressively cool.
Without knowing that such words, are harsh words,. Her world right now is stunned but believe me she would bounce back, with great reviews, and maybe a guest appearance on Fox news . Now let us see how many entertainers will express their opinion to the magazine.
Anonymous - if you really believed that what you are saying has any merit - you would put your real name on here, not hide away.
ReplyDeleteI am anonymous to you regardless of what name I use. It is you who choose to not give them merit, and I expect you would not give them merit if I were to give you my full name.
ReplyDeleteA nice comment/opinion on this subject from Dutch writer Jamal Ouariachi (sorry, only in Dutch):
By the way @ anonymous ( go figure out which one), being racist IS a crime in my country (Belgium), luckily... As Jamal so nicely puts in his reaction: Nowadays freedom of speech seems to include that you don`t have the right anymore to be offended. Well, I believe the right to be offended is as much a right as the freedom of speech. And yes, I took a looong, hard look at myself...
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Jeroen, but the American in me says that she should not have been fired for using this word. I doubt it was racist, just bad taste. Black Americans musicians (some) use this word too much and others have picked up on it.
ReplyDeleteRihanna uses the word way too much on Twitter. Who is she to then admonish someone for using the word? A white Dutch lady? Isn't that racist to fire her while Rihanna uses the same word?
I'm black and live in the Netherlands. This is all so overreacting.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all the whites but also the blacks need to stop using the N word PERIOD! I can't stand it when peeps say..whites should not use the word,Well blacks shouldn't use it either..And if whites use it then its racist but if blacks use it then the N word is ok to use..its not ok at all..yall stupid for using this word,that's why white folks don't get it why they can't use the word. They think that its so cool to use since blacks act like its a cool word. Its really not!
What a drama..We should be worry about things in the world what REALLY matters!And stop use the Nword Period..the word itself is drama for years and years before us..this word shouldn't be in OUR(well not mine) vocabulary in the first place.
@anonymous You cant dispute this shit. As a "black" person you should understand that we as a black race OWN the Nigga word. Yeah we OWN it and are free to use it. You wanna act all white and pretend you cant use it? Be my guest. But for a white person to come up to my face or worse yet slur somebody from my race on national print with the Nigga word? You asking for a ass whoopin son!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, Optimus Prime is right. We all know that there were n*ggers and masters in the past. And that the N-word was and still is used as a racial slur. The fact that Hip-Hip adopted the word doesn’t mean it’s less derogatory, or that it can be used freely by everyone. Besides, do you think it would be considered oke if you as black person would call Jay Z a nigga or Beyonce a bitch?
ReplyDeleteThe problem with magazine Jacky is that it is not a Hip-Hop magazine. Eva Hoeke, or the real writer of story, may have thought it was a "cool" word, but it doesn't look very "cool" in a fashion magazine for Dutch blond women. And if you also mix up Barbados with Jamaica than it really looks as if you see Rihanna as some black “bitch” from a whatever black country.
The fact that Eva Hoeke had to resign is her own fault. Bad communication and a lack of understanding of how social media really works. If she would have said that she was an ignorant Dutch Chief editor who didn’t understand Hip-Hop (mea culpa) than this would not have exploded in her face. But while the story went global on social media and was published on two mayor African American news portals she took it to twitter a if she was sitting between the tulips and the windmills in Holland.
Personally I don't like the N-word either, but I believe in freedom of artistic expression. Every magazine may use the N-word if it’s not meant as racism, but they should be prepared if it’s misinterpreted. I don't know what those blond editors at magazine Jacky were thinking when they were looking at a picture of black Rihanna, but somehow their blondness and perhaps their whiteness worked against them in the end. I think they will stick to writing about local Dutch heroes as Gerard Joling, Jantje Smit and the Toppers. That would really pump up the volume.
I have to say that reading the responses of white Dutch folk, that really and truly, they are in crisis. For real, they don't know how to handle being confronted with racism and the fact that black people (& other non-white folk) respond and demand to be treated with respect when something offends them. As I am from the US and have traveled throughout Europe I've heard years and years worth of soap-boxing from white Europeans primarily about how European countries save perhaps are open and accept people for who they are. How "that racism nonsense simply is not an issue for us" (I've heard a version of this in three languages). To that I always said --even at the tender age of 16-- HELLO! Who masterminded the Transatlantic Slavery & raped & pillaged brown skins throughout the four corners of the world?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, what did Malcolm X say, "the chickens have come home to roost?" Looks like the Dutch and their brethren best learn how to navigate all of those hen houses!
First off I would like to say Por Favor!! This is some bull sh_t! Some on here wants to say that Black people need to watch how they represent themselves. Well hell everyone needs to watch how they represent themselves. It is not just a Black issue! And yes she needed to be fired! I am so sick and tired of people making excuses for ignorance. If you say something about a Jewish person she would have been fired that next hour. But it is ok for her to call this young lady a NIGGER BITCH….I think not! And I’m also tired of some one here basically saying its ok for some to use the word. The word came from those who hated us. Now I don’t use the word but I don’t have a problem with other Blacks using it. If that makes them feel good…..well go for it. Now I do have a problem with non Blacks using the word. You have to be silly to think that…there is not one person in this world that doesn’t knows what NIGGER MEANS! Yes I said silly…I can go as far to say dumb! She knew exactly what she was doing, but she thought it was cute! She figured she would be able to get away with it. Only because most of the Dutch people feel the way she does. Even some of the Black people over there….just lets them get away with anything.. Just because they want to fit in….
ReplyDeleteOptimus Prime is correct with what was said! And anonymous Black living in the Netherlands that is some bull you wrote. What part of the word that you don’t understand! Do you know where the word came from? And if you really did you would have not wrote such a foolish statement. I’m not a fan of the word….but if Black person uses it …my temper doesn’t flare up! There has always and will always be words that different ethnic groups will not be able to use. Just because it is offensive to some. I don’t give a sh_t if hip hop artist use it or not! White folks cannot use it…it is just that simple! I don’t understand why that is so hard for many to understand!!! It is offensive to me to hear a non Black use it… I don’t care if anyone likes it or not! That is how I feel and I react when I hear it. Not with violence but with my words. I’m not so forgiving when I know everyone knows what that word means. I have friends in the Netherlands…yes Black ones…and they don’t like it.Nor do they think this is an overreaction!!! Oh if you think white folks are that dumb and don’t know they can use that word…then hey….let me just say ….take the blinders off! They know all too well that is why they don’t come in your face and call you a Nigger!!!!!!!!!!! Please! With this foolishness about them not knowing why they can’t use it. They know the history of it….because they made the history! Oh the hell with freedom of speech…it’d all good an well.. But call me a Nigger to my face….. and see what happens. Not because I’m so bent out of shape about it.. But how dare you disrespect me… not going to happen. That is what gets me… the fact that someone would have the audacity to think they could ever step to me in that way…
ReplyDeleteMore to come.. Oh and I’M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You call a Lady (Rihanna or not) n*gg*b*tch all in one swell swoop, and you wonder what the fuss is about? WOW!
ReplyDeleteI still HATE the N word with a passion. I will never 'OWN the word, and I will smack black or white who will ever call me a nigger/nigga! The word is ugly too..its just not sound right!
ReplyDeleteTo the racist white man I was born a poor slave "Nigger". To the rest of the world and the NEW OPEN-MINDED YOUNG WHITE GENERATION i will die a rich successful "Nigga". Say all you can, but i'm black & proud. Cunts like Eva Hoeke should be hung like dead rats in public for trying to wedge a knife between the progress of global racial union. And to prove that i'm one generation wiser, when the time comes, i'll marry a great woman outside my race, just like many other great human beings out there who have realised that race is just skin deep. So whether you wanna own the Nigga word or not, common sense dictates that that white woman should not have used it against a black person in public (or private). Not in 2011! (esp when we're just a week from 2012)
ReplyDeleteOptimusPrime I value your opinion, but please be a little bit respectful towards Eva Hoeke.
ReplyDeleteEducate yourself.Do not longer spread the N word around like it has no meaning. Black people around the world. Stop this nonsense and let's all stop using the N word for good! This word brings hate in your mind.. you think that you own or embrace the word but your conscious mind know better. Its was/is a hatefull word since it was invented by racists minds.
Brother sister homie dawg my man brethren buddy pal G(ee) or just call someone by name. Just as simple. WE don't need that word in the first place. There is nothing positive on the n word. It raises up anger and disgust when I think about our PEOPLE that had to go through slavery and pain and suffering. We should all have that feeling about the word.
ReplyDeleteSome respect for our ancestors plz..
I'm going to stop using the "N word" because non-black Americans, Europeans and Africans, think it is cool and acceptable.
ReplyDeletePeace @ truth2011
ReplyDeleteGood that you gonna stop using the n word..not only non blacks think its cool and acceptable ..(Some) (a lot) of Black people too..so the change start by yourself and you can pass it on to your friends fam etc..
Sorry I have to put in my two cents worth. I'm a white European and I have only heard the N-word used once by a freaking IDIOT I worked with once (the innocent guy it was directed at rightly nearly kicked his ass), he seemed to think it was cool to use with me cos I have a black boyfriend... it made me feel physically sick. I have NEVER heard anyone white/black European/African (my bf is African) use it, thank god. But reading these comments I see it is an issue, and it makes me very sad.