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Photo: Jeannette Ehlers |
Visual Artists
- AiRich (NL), known for Afrofuturism
- Larry Achiampong (UK)
- Tania Adam (ES) - Curator
- Djeneba Aduayom (FR) - Artist/photographer
- Nana Adusei-Poku (DE) - Academic
- Kenneth Aidoo (NL)
- Amal Alhaag (NL) - Curator
- Montserrat Anguiano (ES)
- Jabu Arnell (NL)
- Barby Asante (UK) - Artist/Curator
- Kisito Assangni (FR) - Artist/Curator
- Liz Johnson-Arthur (RU) - Photography
- Raul Balai (NL)
- Adelaide Bannerman (UK) - Artist/Curator
- Sonia Barrett (DE/UK)
- Marvin Bartly (UK)
- Rubén H. Bermúdez (ES)
- Hannah Black (UK)
- Frank Bowling (UK)
- Winston Branch (UK)
- Vanley Burke (UK) - Photography
- Lynette Yiadom-Boayke (UK)
- Nathalie Anguezomo Mba Bikoro (FR)
- Sara Blokland (NL)
- Frank Bowling (UK)
- Sonia Boyce (UK)
- Nelson Carrilho (NL) - Sculptor
- Diagne Chanel (FR)
- Libita Clayton (UK)
- Elizabeth Colomba (FR)
- Brian Coutinho (NL)
- Chloe Cox (UK)
- Avantia Damberg (NL)
- Adelaide Damoah (UK)
- Delphine Diallo (FR) - Photography
- Binta Diaw (IT)
- D'Avalonne van Dijk (NL) - Illustrator and animator
- Godfried Donkor (UK)
- Kimathi Donkor (UK)
- Ayoh Kré Duchâtelet (BE)
- Sonya Dyer (UK) - Academic
- Blac Dwelle (PT)
- Jeannette Ehlers (DK)
- Brian Elstak (NL) - Visual artist, illustrator, painter, children’s book writer
- Agnes Essonti (ES) - Photography
- Christine Eyene (FR/UK) - Academic
- Ayesha Feisal (UK)
- Ray Fiasco (UK)
- Faranu (NL)
- Raimi Gbadamosi (UK)
- Joy Gregory (UK)
- Roland Gunst (BE)
- Antonio Guzman (NL), known for The Day we Surrender to the Air
- Gerard Hanson (UK)
- Paul Goodwin (UK) - Academic
- Kiluanji Kia Henda (PT)
- Lubaina Himid (UK) - Academic, known for Making Histories Visible
- Amanda Holiday (UK)
- Sasha Huber (CH)
- Evan Ifekoya (UK)
- Mahret Ifeoma Kupka (DE) - Curator
- Claudette Johnson (UK), known for Black Arts Movement
- Tam Joseph (UK)
- Jacob V Joyce (UK)
- Isaac Julien (UK), known for Playtime
- Remy Jungerman (NL)
- Patricia Kaersenhout (NL)
- Roshini Kempadoo (UK) - Photographer/academic
- Iris Kensmil (NL)
- Natasja Kensmil (NL)
- Bart Krieger (NL) - Academic, known for 50 Surinamese Art Treasures
- Agnès Lalau (BE)
- Charl Landvreugd (NL), known for Atlantic Transformerz
- Gary Legrand (FR)
- Imara Limon (NL) - Curator
- Makode Linde (SE), known for performance-cake
- Nelson Louis (BE)
- Sahara Longe (UK)
- Owanto (FR)
- Paul Maheke (FR/UK)
- Rhode Bath-Schéba Makoumbou (BE)
- Marie-Claire Messouma Manlanbien (FR)
- Shantell Martin (UK)
- Michael McMillan (UK) - Playwright, artist/curator and educator
- Philip Kojo Metz (DE) - Sculpter
- Sandrine Micossé-Aikins (DE) - known for The Little Book of Big Visions. How to Be an Artist and Revolutionize the World
- Mónica de Miranda (PT)
- Anne Wetsi Mpoma (BE) - Curator
- Mufuki (BE)
- Nganji Mutiri (BE) - Photography
- Yvette Mutumba (DE) - Curator, known for C&
- Chrystel Mukeba (BE) - Photography
- Ingrid Mwangi (DE)
- Teresa María Díaz Nerio (NL)
- Justo Aliounedine Pouye Nguema (ES)
- Nando Nkrumah (DE)
- Laura Nsengiyumva (Zeye) (BE)
- Harold Offeh (UK) - Academic
- Chris Ofili (UK)
- Janette Parris (UK), known for comic strips with satirical humour
- Eileen Perrier (UK) - Photographer
- Alexandre (Alexis) Peskine (FR)
- Keith Piper (UK) - Academic, known for Black Arts Movement
- Ingrid Pollard (UK) - Academic
- Estelle Prudent (FR) - Photography
- Elsa Rakoto (FR)
- Tabita Rezaire (FR/DK)
- Fana Richters (AiRich) (NL) - Photography
- Tahnaiya Russell (UK) - based in the USA
- Veronica Ryan (UK)
- Dilayla Romeo (ES) - Photography
- Khadija Saye (UK) - Photography
- Cherelle Sappleton (UK)
- Cédrine Scheidig (FR) - Photographer
- Farida Sedoc (NL)
- Yinka Shonibare (UK), known for Batik fabric in the sculptural works
- Marlene Smith (UK), known for Black Arts Movement
- Carleen de Sozer (UK) - Street artist
- Tarona (NL) - Photographer
- Rebekah Ubuntu (UK) - AfroFuturism - Video and music
- Cameron Ugbodu (AT)
- David Uzochukwu (AT) - Photographer
- Vincent van Velsen (NL) - Critic and curator
- Francisco Vidal (PT)
- Abiola Wabara (IT)
- Barbara Walker (UK)
- Arlene Wandera (UK) - Sculptor
- Iriée Zamblé (NL) - Visual artist
Black Atlantic and Art
Exploring the Black Atlantic - In this four-part mini-series, writer and curator Ekow Eshun examines the rich and boundless ways in which artists have engaged with this concept.
Interviews Visual Artists
See playlist: Black Identities and Art | Tate
- John Akomfrah (UK), known for The Stuart Hall Project
- Amma Asante (UK), known for Bell
- Mo Asumang (DE), known for The Aryans
- Sally Fenaux Barleycorn (ES)
- Neske Beks (BE/NL), known for Eigen Volk/My own people
- Tessa Boerman (NL), known for ZWART BELICHT, representation of black women in paintings of Rubens
- Isabelle Boni-Claverie (FR), known for "Trop Noire pour être Française?" (“Too Black to be French?”)
- Jonas Carpignano (IT)
- Dapne Di Cinto (IT) , Actress and director, known for Il Moro, the Black Duke of Florence
- Alice Diop (FR), known for Vers la tendresse
- Ida Does (NL), known for Hear Her! Interviews with black female TV-Film professionals in The Netherlands on diversity in the media and Three women. About slavery and freedom
- Esther Duysker (NL), screenwriter, known for Buladó
- Cecile Emeke (UK), known for Strolling series, a short film docu-series connecting the scattered stories of the global black diaspora
- Paloma Etienne (ES)
- Bibi Fadlalla (NL), known for Zwarte Piet en Ik (Black Pete and I), A personal quest across the country, in search of the historical background of this character
- Amandine Gay (FR), known for Ouvrir La Voix ,est un long métrage documentaire sur les Afro-descendantes noires d'Europe francophone (France et Belgique)
- Dyana Gaye (FR) , known for Des étoiles
- Enam Gbewonyo (UK), Multimedia Textile Artist
- June Givanni (UK), curator, known for June Givanni Pan African Cinema Archive
- Teddy Goitom (SE)
- Alain Gomis (FR)
- Nancy Mac Granaky-Quaye (DE), known for BEENTO and KNIFFEL and real life: Deutschland, a documentary about the experiences of young Afro-Germans
- Oliver Hardt (DE), known for Black Deutschland
- John A. Kantara (DE)
- Fabienne and Véronique Kanor (FR)
- Cindy Kerseborn (NL), known for documentary of writer Astrid Roemer
- Fred Kuwornu (IT), known for 18 Ius Soli
- Laurence Lascary (FR)
- Steve McQueen (UK), known for 12 Years A Slave
- Mame-Fatou Niang (and Kaytie Nielsen) - (France), known for Mariannes Noires Film. Seven different French-born women of African descent confront their own unique identities and challenge the expectations of French society
- Sarah Maldoror - The voice of the oppressed and of the dissidents, the filmmaker Sarah Maldoror, a pioneer of PanAfrican cinema (FR)
- Mirella Muroni (NL)
- Euzhan Palcy (FR), known for Sugar Cane Alley/A Dry White Season (interview)
- Medhin Paolos (IT), known for ASMARINA Voices and images of a postcolonial heritage
- Pocas Pascoal (PT)
- Raoul Peck (Velvet Film) (FR/DE/Haiti), known for JE NE SUIS PAS VOTRE NÈGRE - James Baldwin Documentary
- Mildred Roethof (NL)
- Mokoari Street Productions (DE)
- Amelia Umuhire (DE), known for Polyglot series, a Berlin-based webseries following the lives of young Polyglots
- Winta Yohannes (DE)
- Layla Zami (FR/DE)
- Frank Zichem (NL)
Groups & Projects
- Association for Black Art_ists e.V. (ASBA) - ASBA works on projects to support emerging Black artists and archivists in Europe (DE)
- BE.BOP. BLACK EUROPE BODY POLITICS - A decolonial transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary curatorial initiative based in Berlin that began in 2012 (DE)
- Black Archive & Collection - The Black Archive & Collection houses an extensive number of letters and reviews, posters and invites from exhibitions and events from the Black Diaspora spanning the 1980s + 1990’s to the present day (UK)
- Black Art of Brussels - "Black Art in Brussels" is under permanent construction by design, as it keeps close tabs on developments in the black art scene in Brussels (BE)
- Black British Art - Celebrating excellence in the visual representation & art of the African diaspora in Britain
- Black British artists - Wikipedia page (UK)
- Black British Female Artist (BBFA) Collective - Collective of Black British Female Artists. Letting the world know we're here! (UK)
- Blk Art Group - Art group (UK)
- BIFS - creates the platforms and resources needed to empower the work of Black and Brown artists in Italy (IT)
- Diaspora Pavilion - The projects aim to challenge the under-representation of artists and curators from diverse backgrounds in the visual arts (UK)
- Full Color Entertainment - Dutch film distribution company and platform for Black filmmakers (NL)
- SAVVY Contemporary - German art lab (DE)
- The Otolith Collective - An exploration between visual culture and exhibiting in contemporary art (UK)
- The State of L3 - Amsterdam based international art collective (NL)
- Thin Black Line(s) - One of the exhibitions which marked the arrival on the British art scene of a radical generation of young Black and Asian women artists (UK).
- Thick/er Black Lines - Thick/er Black Lines presents We Apologise For The Delay To Your Journey – a map identifying and connecting Black British women/femme artists and cultural workers
- Wakaman - Art project (NL)
- Well Made Productions - A production company that gives the bi-cultural perspective a leading role with theater and film (NL)
Film & Photography
- Autograph ABP - Established in 1988 with the mission of promoting black photographers (UK)
- Black Chronicles II - an exhibition exploring black presences in 19th and early 20th-century Britain, through the prism of studio portraiture. - #blackChronicles
- Black Audio Film Collective (BAFC) [1982-1998] - Filmmakers collective (UK)
- (IN)VISIBLE CITIES - portrays the real life experiences of African Diaspora communities all over the world (Italy)
- Stichting Cimaké Foundation - Dutch Afro-Carribean documentary production company (NL)
- Strolling - Connecting the scattered stories of the Black diaspora (UK)
- The British Blacklist - Database of Black British professionals in the arts & entertainment (UK)
- The Stuart Hall Project - A film about revolution, politics, culture and the New Left experience (UK)
- We, the Afropeans: Black photographers in Europe – in pictures - The British photographer and author Johny Pitts has curated a series of images exploring Black identities in Europe
- Vision & Justice Online: Renée Mussai in Conversation with Victor Peterson II - Coinciding with the release of Aperture’s summer issue, “Vision & Justice,” Renée Mussai, Curator and Head of Archive at Autograph ABP in London, discusses the politics of representation in photography from the African diaspora.
- Art identities - "Writing about black British artists, the cultural theorist, Stuart Hall, distinguished between two groups: the last ‘colonials’ and the first ‘postcolonials’ "
- "Am I Black Enough for You?" - Visual artists debate about their Black Dutch identity
- The Little Book of Big Visions: How to be an Artist and Revolutionize the World, edited by Sandrine Micossé-Aikins and Sharon Dodua Otoo, discusses the current situation of Black artists in Germany and presents their visions for equality in text and image form.
Update 2024