Omar Sy - 1st Black actor to win César Award (French equivalent of Oscars)

On 24 February French actor Omar Sy won France's highest acting honor, the César Award for Best Actor (the French equivalent of the Academy Award).

After winning the Lumière award (French equivalent of the Golden Globes) for Best Actor, Omar Sy picked up France's highest acting honor in that same category, the César Award for Best Actor (the French equivalent of the Academy Award). He won the award for the film 'Intouchables'

The awards ceremony took place in Paris and since they were first given out in 1975, Omar Cy's win is one for the history books because he's the first black man to not only be nominated for the Best Actor Cesar, he's also the first black man to win the Cesar award for Best Actor. Read the full story at Shadow an Act


  1. Congrats for winning this award, there are many more awards waiting for you guys. I want to say that black actors really do a great job , you can see Denzel and will smith both of them are amazingly awesome in their jobs.
    Black Russian Actor

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