Saterday thousands of mourners at funeral for Troy Davis remembered executed convict as 'martyr' and pledged to fight death penalty.
A convicted murderer given the lethal injection despite emotional pleas worldwide for his life is being remembered this weekend as a gentle man who faced his execution with grace and dignity.
Sent to death row 20 years ago, Troy Davis was celebrated as 'martyr and foot soldier' by more than 1,000 people who packed the pews at his funeral on Saturday and pledged to fight the death penalty.
Davis, 42, was executed last month in Georgia for the slaying of off-duty police officer Mark MacPhail in 1989, insisting his innocence and asking forgiveness for his accusers and executioners.
Troy's last words that night were he told us to keep fighting until his name is cleared in Georgia,' Mr Jealous said at the funeral on Saturday at Jonesville Church in Savannah, Georgia.
'But most important, keep fighting until the death penalty is abolished and this can never be done to anyone else.'http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
Read more: www.dailymail.co.uk
See the statement of the NAACP: The world will remember Troy's name
Long time civil rights activist, Dick Gregory, speaks a memorial on Saterday, to remember recently executed inmate Troy Davis.
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