From Der Braune Mob: Once again German zoos are organising “Africa days” one of whose framework program includes African people as well as their presentations, art and culture, becoming part of a visit to the zoo!
Zoo Eberswalde:
Excerpt from the leaflet:
Enjoy African flair with spirited live music and dance performed by the band Odjadike and the Ballet Zebola from Congo.
This event is supposed to support the ethnic group of the San, the “last first people”, helping them to help themselves, in terms of a gentle integration into our modern age.
One would have thought that the case “African Village 2005” in Augsburg would have gotten about in this sector and would have led to a learning process. Back then a range of international (and German) protests arose;
however the event did get realised, braced by arguments (by the zoo director) as “otherwise ‘coloured people’ could not be shown in common sport events either” and that “the zoo” be “exactly … the right place” to “convey the atmosphere of exotic” and to make the “African culture” accessible for the inhabitants of Augsburg.
Back then one of the main ‘justifications’ was that the proceeds would benefit a ‘good cause’. As if this would not be possible through an event within an dignified frame, which does not link to the German history of brutal Völkerschauen (human zoos).
Read full story here
good blog. I also like this one Africa & the world: www.nyakpo.com