For 2009, the theme of Caribbean Vibrations Festival is “AfricAméricA”. Which will be a mix of artists from the three continents, Africa, America, Europe. With Gwo ka Gnawa Jazz, Dub Poetry, Pop Folk Caribbean Creole, literary readings, photography and video art, and screenings of ethnographic documentaries in partnership with ARTE.
Featured artists: Randy Weston, Jacques Schwarz-Bart, Karim Ziad, Kali feat. Manu Dibango, Dede St Prix Dub Poets and Brother Resistance and Mutabaruka, Orlando Poleo, Herve Samb and Simone Schwarz-Bart.
This year’s special guest will be singer/song writer Valerie Louri, from Martinique.
Maison des Cultures du Monde/ Fondation Alliance française 101 Blvd Raspail Paris 6ème. www.vibrationscaraibes.com